Clock tower
Old Crescent Insurance Company

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What is Old Crescent Insurance Company?

The Old Crescent Insurance Company (OCIC) was formed by a resolution of the Indiana University Board of Trustees on November 5, 2004. It is a wholly owned, single parent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) captive insurance company domiciled in Vermont.

Its name comes from the area of the original campus at the present location. Several of the buildings still in use date to before the 20th century, The buildings include Franklin Hall (1907), the Student Building (1906) - home of the clock tower pictured above, Owen Hall (1884), Kirkwood Hall (1894), Lindley Hall (1902), Wylie Hall (1884), Swain Hall (1910-40), the Kirkwood Observatory (1900), Bryan Hall (1936), and the relatively new Law School (1956).

Smith Research Center 110 | 2805 E. 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47408
812-855-9758 FAX 812-855-9320

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